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Top AI Tools I Use and Love

I mentioned previously that I use several different AI programs, let me tell you who I use and why. The main AI program I use is ChatGPT 4o. I used the free version for a while before signing up for their paid version—the difference is night and day! It was very much worth the $20 a month.  I mainly use it for research, both personal and work-related; I use it to summarize meeting transcripts for the company I work for. I use it for writing, I love tossing a subject and request and letting the bot do its work, I do tend to go back in and tweak the prompts, although, for the summaries, I have created a private GPT so that the summaries are consistent, I do go through and make sure everything is accurate, sometimes it tosses out an odd response, it does tell you that there can be mistakes, I see them every now and again, they're easy enough to fix.  I also use it to make some graphics. Though it doesn't do as well as some of the other graphic AI apps, it works well enough to cont
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A funny thing happened on the way to making a jackrabbit...

Here is one of the graphic AI sites where I play, I'm very new here, still learning... I wanted to create a jackrabbit in a folk art style, at first it made a kind of rounded jackrabbit, I happen to know they are typically thin and long, once I entered that prompt, it made one with 5 legs 🙄, that used to be an issue in the past, I really thought that problem had been fixed. Once I told it I wanted 4 legs and 1 tail, the next version it made for me was acceptable. I still have an image in my head that I'd like to get on paper (so to speak), I might just have to draw it myself. Here are the images as I created them along with the prompts. This first one was a little too "roundish for my taste, and the neck is too short. a jackrabbit in a folk art style This is getting better,  a jackrabbit in a folk art style, a thin upright jackrabbit I like everything except for the extra leg, I really like the white "line" within the jackrabbit. a jackrabbit in a folk art style

Humming, nausea and ChatGPT

Early this morning, hubby walked into the bedroom complaining of nausea, it's something that he deals with on a regular basis. If we can stop it before it turns into vomiting, then all is well. I have never found a medicine (commercial or natural) that works on nausea, and believe me I've look and tried. I remembered something I had read about humming to disrupt nausea, I jumped on ChatGPT to ask about it, the conversation went like this: Will humming stop nausea?   ChatGPT Humming can indeed help reduce nausea for some people. This is because humming can stimulate the vagus nerve, which plays a role in regulating the digestive system and can help alleviate symptoms of nausea. Additionally, the act of humming can promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, which can also contribute to a reduction in nausea. However, effectiveness can vary from person to person, so it may be helpful to try it and see if it works for you. If nausea persists or is severe, it's always a good idea to

Who am I and why am I here?

Hey y'all! This is WrethaOffGrid , if you don't already follow me or know me, here's a little bit about me, I am a 50+ year old grandmother, perhaps closer to 60 than 50 LOL... I am a Christian, conservative, though I tend to not push my religious and political leanings, you either believe or you don't, all I can do is be the light, enough about that.  I am a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend to many, close with a few, I'm a dog mama currently to 2 dogs. I'm an artist, photographer, cook, foodie, omnivore, health nut, I live 100% off grid, I love learning, I love nature (not a "tree hugger though), I love natural things, I also love technology. When I first started hearing about AI, it was in sci-fi books and TV & movies, it was something to be feared, an inhuman, unfeeling, cold, impersonal, scary! It was something that seemed to be helpful at first, then it would slowly (or sometimes not so slowly) start acting in a way that is not best for th